You could throw an "Element not present excepton", but exceptions are expensive, and should be reserved for "Exceptional situations". A value not being present in a map is hardly the case, so it might be a speed bump, but as usual, it depends on the context you are in.
Either way, as an advice, you should consider using the contains(key) method. There's always the posiblity that key has been mapped to the null value, so get(key) would return null, even if present in your map !!!.
After watching get()´s source code, I came up with something ( for the record: completely untested and current time here is 01:08 AM, and I have a terrible cold !!)
314 public V get(Object key) {
315 if (key == null)
316 return getForNullKey();
317 int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
318 for (Entry<K,V> e = table[indexFor(hash, table.length)];
319 e != null;
320 e = {
321 Object k;
322 if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k)))
323 return e.value;
324 }
//This could be instanced by reflection (bad idea?)
325 return new MappeableElementImpl();
I you could force V to implement some interface such as MappeableElement or something like that which had a method boolean isUnmappedValue(), then the get() method could return an instance of that interface.
So it would end up in something like:
Element e = map.get(notpresentkey);
if (e.isUnmappedValue()){sysout (notpresentkey +" is not present");}