My question is very related to this one: However I haven’t found a proper solution just yet and would like to ask it again.
I have a little JSF application that talks to a MS SQL Server via JDBC. Tomcat is used as the web container. The application retrieves and stores its data from a single database. A login screen is provided. If the credentials match the ones stored in the database then access is granted and I can play around with the application.
Now I would like to add more databases and provide a login screen which not only requests the username and password but the database name as well. Different databases are used because I would like to have some for testing and development. The backup plans are also not the same for every database.
Currently I use JNDI Resources to look up the databases in my code. However this forces me to edit context.xml and web.xml and to restart tomcat. I don’t want to do that. The restart forces me to run around an tell everyone: “Hey I am rebooting do you mind losing all your connections?”
Is the some more dynamic way to do that?