I am in the process of evaluating FindBugs and am trying to make use of the excludeFilter so that the tool does not process the test packages or the generated ejb stubs.
I have tried the following:
<!-- Match any test packages -->
<Package name="~.*\.test"/>
<Class name="~.*\.^_*"/>
<Class name="~.*EJS*"/>
<Bug pattern="MALICIOUS_CODE"/>
The generated EJB's are still being looked at. Can someone provide some better direction on this.
I want to exclude out all classes that start with "_"
Updated filter file.
I change the filter file to the following structure using the suggested regx changes and now things are working as expected:
<!-- Match any test packages -->
<Package name="~.*\.test"/>
<Class name="~.*\._.*"/>
<Class name="~.*?EJS.*"/>
Looks like I need to go back and brush up on my regx.