



Wanting to highlight stuff in web pages as you mouse over, but there seem to be so many ways you can set display properties I'm having trouble finding a good way to change the display so that it can change back and still keep close to what the user was already looking at.

The IE 8 developer tools Outline tool does something like what I was thinking, but with my simple style changes to a red border seem to being overridden in some cases. For instance, trying to highlight the login form on it's in a positioned div and it's inline (seems to be part of problem). The other part is that the inline is from a class on the form, so applying style changes directly seems to be ignored.

Perhaps if I had any idea on the right CSS I might be able to work through the MSHTML to get it done.

I tried looking for the source to the IE 8 dev tool, but didn't have any luck (not that I expected to find it either mind you)