what is the internal mechanism of tag html?
The internal mechanism is entirely up to the browser vendor (should they choose to implement this non-standard element).
It is a black box, and shouldn't matter to anybody not developing the browser itself.
Not sure what you mean by internal mechanism, because bgsound is IE only and they keep there sources closed, but other vendors use embed instead of bgsound. What are you trying to do?
<bgsound src="sound.mid" loop="infinite"> <!-- MS. Instead of infinite you can use a number. -->
<embed src="sound.mid" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true" height="0" width="0"> <!-- Others. -->
I've looked into it:
For MIDI and WAV files, Internet Explorer loads winmm.dll and plays it through that. Specifically, it uses PlaySound. For MP3 files, it uses the ActiveMovie Control, runs it through the ActiveMovie Control Type Library (Quartz.dll, for info on its functions see here) to parse it, and plays that using DirectSound (DSOUND.DLL). Well, there you go.