I'm trying to add disqus comments per-marker on a google map. To make it per-marker, I've added an iframe to the infowindow, with a different URL for each marker. It works, and I can post comments, but the infowindow isn't updated after a successful post; the spinner remains. Firebug says:
Access to 'file:///foo/gmap/comments.html?dsq=12066893#comment-12066893' from script denied
redirect()thread?x...200)&cbp= (line 11)
onload(load )
The HTML code looks like this:
My GMapEZ Maps
<div class="GMapEZ GSmallMapControl GSmallMapTypeControl"
style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">
<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.092104,-85.144740&amp;spn=0.006130,0.009795&amp;t=k&amp;hl=en">
<iframe src='comments.html'>
The comments page looks like:
var disqus_developer = "1";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://disqus.com/forums/firehazard/embed.js"></script>