How can I retrieve the links of a webpage and copy the url adress of the links using Python?
import urllib2
import BeautifulSoup
request = urllib2.Request("")
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(response)
for a in soup.findAll('a'):
if 'national-park' in a['href']:
print 'found a url with national-park in the link'
Here's a short snippet using the SoupStrainer class in BeautifulSoup:
import httplib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
http = httplib2.Http()
status, response = http.request('')
for link in BeautifulSoup(response, parseOnlyThese=SoupStrainer('a')):
if link.has_key('href'):
print link['href']
The BeautifulSoup documentation is actually quite good, and covers a number of typical scenarios:
Edit: Note that I used the SoupStrainer class because it's a bit more efficient (memory and speed wise), if you know what you're parsing in advance.
just for getting the links, without B.soup and regex:
import urllib2
tag="<a href=\""
for item in data:
if "<a href" in item:
ind = item.index(tag)
except: pass
print item[:end]
for more complex operations, of course BSoup is still preferred.
Others have recommended BeautifulSoup, but it's much better to use lxml. Despite its name, it is also for parsing and scraping HTML. It's much, much faster than BeautifulSoup, and it even handles "broken" HTML better than BeautifulSoup (their claim to fame). It has a compatibility API for BeautifulSoup too if you don't want to learn the lxml API.
There's no reason to use BeautifulSoup anymore, unless you're on Google App Engine or something where anything not purely Python isn't allowed.
lxml.html also supports CSS3 selectors so this sort of thing is trivial.