I've looked all around and spent way to long trying to convert this SQL statement into a Linq statement in VB. I'm sure it would be a good example for others out there - the statement is trying to pull products that have a many-to-many relationship with product categories, and the categories have a hierarchy of parents/children.
Here is the query I am trying to convert:
SELECT P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.ProductSlug, P.PartNumber
FROM Products AS P
INNER JOIN Products_Categories AS PC ON PC.ProductID = P.ProductID
INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON PC.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Categories AS P_Cats ON P_Cats.CategoryID = C.Parent
WHERE (C.CategoryID = 9) OR (C.Parent = 9) OR (P_Cats.Parent = 9)
I can get up to the point where I am trying to say "WHERE ... (P_Cats.Parent = 9)" but can't figure that part out.