I know about
- PDFRenderer
- ICEpdf
- JPedal
- Ghostscript to convert PDF->PS, then print with
My primary concern is printing a PDF file to a printer. The other features like displaying, PDF modifications, ... are nice-to-have.
All libraries promise similar features, but I'm afraid that when I choose one I might encounter problems when it is to late.
- What are the pros and cons of each library above?
- Are there other/better alternatives?
EDIT: For clarification: I already have PDF files, i.e. they have been created. Now I want to render them, either to a raster image or directly to a printer.
EDIT 2: Until now two answers suggest Apache FOP for PDF printing. I didn't know it is possible. How do I print a PDF file with Apache FOP after I've created it with Apache FOP?