



Hi All,

Is there a good way to retrieve all of a specific attribute from a relationship/collection? For instance, I want a list of all the names of a person's cars. Obviously I can't do the following:


...but does something of that nature exist in ruby (or is there an ActiveRecord helper method) that handles that? Obviously I could iterate over all the cars and append to an array, but I'd like something a bit cleaner. Any ideas?


+2  A: 

If cars is an association of a person, and name a property of a car, then you can do the following:

# person = Person.find(conditions) { |car| }

Or even (thanks to ActiveSupport and/or Ruby 1.9):

Update: this is documented in the following places:

Update 2: an example that applies formatting: { |car| "(#{})" }
Excellent! Thank you. Where exactly is that documented? I must admit, I have quite a time with Ruby/Rails when it comes to intuiting where to find certain functionality. Even using online documentation I'm not really able to find some of the cooler items of this nature.
The reason you don't see this in the Rails docs is that Enumerable#collect (or its synonym #map) are just part of plain old Ruby.
Mike Woodhouse
Is there any way to manipulate the returned data? For instance, I want to place brackets around each returned word for formatting purposes. How would I go about doing that?
@humble_coder, updated with an example.
@humble_coder, sure, you can just append .join(", ") to join the array into a single string. Even the formatted array with parenthesis. But this is starting to sound scary. You probably do not have to build a DB query yourself if you use ActiveRecord. It created specifically to handle this abstraction for you. Perhaps post a separate question to get some info how to deal with it in your specific case?
Actually, the situation is a bit convoluted. I'm using Gruff to plot points for a table of various Points. The whole Person/Car thing was completely contrived. Basically I have several METERS that have associated POINTS and VALUES and I'm charting them. So for each point associated with a meter, I need to grab those values from the "values" table and plot them for that day. That being the case, I need to loop through and dynamically acquire each point/value combo for any meter at any given time. Does that make any sense?
@humble_coder, sort of. Does the example that adds parentheses, together with a trailing join() help you out?.
Yes, it absolutely helps. I ended up using this code: ...points = self.points.collect{|p| "\'#{}\'"}.join(",")...That gave me a series of single-quoted strings for placing in the query. I'm looking to do a single query, hence the join. What I need now, however, is to loop through all groups of points in the resulting query independently. Are there any cool "collect" tricks (or otherwise) for acquiring values of a specific type in an existing result set?
@humble_coder, you may want to look at Array#select: ?