Using RedDot CMS, linking to a 'sub-page' (page within a page) directly will display JUST that sub-page, not within the context of its main parent. Referencing that sub-page WILL display it as I require.
I have a List linked to several pages via keywords. The template containing that list displays a link for each item. Clicking on any of these links results in a view of JUST the sub-page that is directly linked.
I require those links to display the sub-page within the context of its parent - e.g. the page on which its main link resides.
Let's say the base page has an ID of 100. It has a list containing sub-pages 201, 301, and 401. Respectively, each sub-pages' main link is 200, 300, and 400. When I view 100, I see that base page with a series of links to each page. However, clicking on any of those links displays page 201, 301, or 401. I require those links to point to pages 200, 300, and 400.
I cannot use target containers because each sub-page has a different parent.