





Using RedDot CMS, linking to a 'sub-page' (page within a page) directly will display JUST that sub-page, not within the context of its main parent. Referencing that sub-page WILL display it as I require.

I have a List linked to several pages via keywords. The template containing that list displays a link for each item. Clicking on any of these links results in a view of JUST the sub-page that is directly linked.

I require those links to display the sub-page within the context of its parent - e.g. the page on which its main link resides.

Let's say the base page has an ID of 100. It has a list containing sub-pages 201, 301, and 401. Respectively, each sub-pages' main link is 200, 300, and 400. When I view 100, I see that base page with a series of links to each page. However, clicking on any of those links displays page 201, 301, or 401. I require those links to point to pages 200, 300, and 400.

I cannot use target containers because each sub-page has a different parent.

+1  A: 

I've just replicated the same thing on Reddot and have had a bit of a think about this, Is what you're after actually possible. As I understand it you're linking to the sub-page because that is where the keywords are assigned, but that sub-page could be contained in one ore more parent page.

If on your site the sub-page and the parent page are always one-to-one related then why have a sub-page at all. If the same sub-page is used in more than one parent would you want all the parent pages to be linked in your list?


One idea, which is a bit of a hack is that you add an anchor to each sub-page that you then link to the preferred parent page, then instead of displaying the list normally you loop through the list using the render tags and display a link to the page in the anchor and not the subpage.

Steve Temple
Well, I've ended up restructuring things completely, partly along the lines you suggest. Instead of linking to sub-pages (which contain the actual data I'm after and are therefore more appropriate), I'm linking to their parent pages. This puts a dependency on that parent/child structure remaining as is, but I think limitations of RedDot require that.
Bobby Jack