I'm trying to protect a resource in tomcat so that only "valid users" (those with a valid login and password in the realm) can access it. They do not necessarily belong to a group in the realm. I have tried with many combinations of the <security-constraint>
directive without success. Any ideas?
There are several realm implementation in tomcat - memory, database, JAAS and more. The easiest one to configure (though not the most secure) the memory one, which contains a single XML file, usually under conf/tomcat-users.xml:
<user name="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" />
<user name="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" />
<user name="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />
The realm configuration is under the context, host or engine configurations, like this:
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"
pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" />
Then, in the web.xml you put the following definition:
<web-resource-name>MRC Customer Care</web-resource-name>
<!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application -->
<realm-name>YOUR REALM NAME</realm-name>
The role that is required to access the application.
Should be on from the realm (the tomcat-users.xml file).
The web.xml part is taken (with slight change) from one of our web apps.
David Rabinowitz
2009-07-07 19:11:22
In my particular environment I'm connecting to an ldap using the JNDIRealm. The problem is that I can't include groups in the ldap and must authenticate based only on the username and password without any role. I have tried using `<role-name></role-name>` and `<role-name>*</role-name>` without success.
2009-07-08 01:40:06
Besides the auth-constraint you are adding to the security-constraint:
you need specify the security role in the web-app:
Eliecer Leiton
2010-05-12 17:06:00