




I'm creating a simple Swing application, then I realized that JToolBar doesn't provide much functionality. For example, I want to add multiple dragable toolbars onto one JFrame, but but I can only have one floatable JToolBar per JFrame if I use JToolbar.

I know that NetBeans is built with Swing, and the toolbars on NetBeans have more functionality then JToolBars. I haven't spent my time to take a peak at NetBeans source yet, but I"m wondering whether there's any other existing replacement for JToolBar out int the world.

  • I believe that a JToolBar can contain some other JToolBar components.

  • You could have a panel at the north side which would contain couple of JToolBars too.

  • Another solution would be to implement your own component or look for commercial alternatives(or dual licensed GPL/Commercial).
John Doe
+1  A: 

You could try Kirill's Flamingo (Swing version of Microsoft's Ribbon style toolbar):

Project: https://flamingo.dev.java.net/

+1  A: 