Using the latest current version of Sharepoint.
I have aded a "Foo" document library containing documents of a custom Foo document type. The document repository carries along a FooID for each document, which will correspond to a primary key in an external database's [Foo] table that we are using for other purposes. I have a Foo.aspx page where we will pass ?FooID=X in the URL. I would like to display all of the documents in Sharepoint's Foo document library, where the FooID field matches the FooID that is specified in the URL.
There is a Document webpart, and a Site Documents webpart, but they don't seem to give me the options that I want, or allow me to display documents from a document library that I created from the web interface.
Is there a webpart that will allow me to display a list of documents in my custom document library, filtered by "Where FooID = X" ? If not, what is the best way to do this?
Thanks in Advance.