I have a problem with the query below in postgres
SELECT u.username,l.description,l.ip,SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) as createdate,l.action
FROM n_logs AS l LEFT JOIN n_users AS u ON u.id = l.userid
WHERE SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) >= '2009-06-07'
AND SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) <= '2009-07-07';
I always used the above query in an older version of postgres and it worked 100%. Now with the new version of posgres it gives me errors like below
**ERROR: function pg_catalog.substring(timestamp without time zone, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT u.username,l.description,l.ip,SUBSTRING(l.createdate,...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.**
I assume it has something to do with datatypes, that the data is a time zone and that substring only support string datatypes, now my question is what can I do about my query so that my results would come up?