I'm trying to update an NText field in SQL 2000 using Classic ASP. Here is the code I'm using to do it. Any one have any pointers on how to maybe speed it up? Or am I stuck with it.
set Cnn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
Cnn.ConnectionString = Application("Cnn_ConnectionString")
set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.CursorType = adoOpenDynamic
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
conChunkSize = 100
rs.Open "MyTable",Cnn, , , adCmdTable
rs.Find "MyDataId=" & request("DataId"),,adSearchForward,1
lngOffset = 0
lngLogoSize = len(request("txtMyEntry"))*2
Do while lngOffset < lngLogoSize
varChunk = LeftB(RightB(request("txtMyEntry"), lngLogoSize - _
lngOffset), conChunkSize)
rs("MyDataField").AppendChunk varChunk
lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize
Oh and this code is almost verbatim from the MSDN site.