



I am thinking someone may have run across this one, but not sure. From a high level, I am trying to roll over a input [type=text] and display a tool tip (with the contained value) using the plugin available at

I have to use titles and classes for validation on the specific elements, so I put a blank div to hold the input [type=text] value for the roll over.


It won't hold the value of 2 text boxes at once. Once I put a value in the box on the right, the tooltip on the left goes away. Same thing if I switch it aroun. I can't keep a tooltip on more than one element.

Here is the code (Note: You will have to download the plugins in the source as I am not sure where the live versions are if there are any).

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/scripts/jquery-tooltip/jquery.tooltip.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-tooltip/jquery.tooltip.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
      var newTitle = $(this).val();
      // re-init tool tip

     // Init tooltip

    reload = function(){
    <table border="1px solid black">
      <td title="hello">
        <input type="text" value=""/>
        <input type="text" value=""/>
    <div id="debug"></div>

I couldn't understand your question. Do you want to show two tooltips at once or your problem is that the title attribute you set on each reload function erases both titles?

I used this plugin before if you explain more, or show a demo of your example i would be able to help.


EDIT Working version: (It changes titles of 'td's)

            var newTitle = $(this).val();
            // re-init tool tip

    // Init tooltip

reload = function(){
Sinan Y.
I am only trying to show the updated tooltip when you roll over the specified element. Only one tooltip stays active though. It is the tooltip on the most recently changed box.
Jeff Ancel