I am trying to check if a user is a member of an Active Directory group, and I have this:
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
con = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL)
con.simple_bind_s(userid+"@"+ad_settings.AD_DNS_NAME, password)
ADUser = con.search_ext_s(ad_settings.AD_SEARCH_DN, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, \
"sAMAccountName=%s" % userid, ad_settings.AD_SEARCH_FIELDS)[0][1]
except ldap.LDAPError:
return None
returns a list of strings:
{'givenName': ['xxxxx'],
'mail': ['xxxxx@example.com'],
'memberOf': ['CN=group1,OU=Projects,OU=Office,OU=company,DC=domain,DC=com',
'sAMAccountName': ['myloginid'],
'sn': ['Xxxxxxxx']}
Of course in the real world the group names are verbose and of varied structure, and users will belong to tens or hundreds of groups.
If I get the list of groups out as ADUser.get('memberOf')[0]
, what is the best way to check if any members of a separate list exist in the main list?
For example, the check list would be ['group2', 'group16']
and I want to get a true/false answer as to whether any of the smaller list exist in the main list.