I have always been taught that storing objects in a session was a bad idea. Instead IDs should be stored that retrieve the record when needed.
However, I have an application that I wonder is an exception to this rule. I'm building a flashcard application, and the words being quizzed are in a table in the database whose schema doesn't change. I want to store the words currently being quizzed in a session, so a user can finish where they started in case they move on to a separate page.
In this case, is it possible to get away with storing these words as objects in the database? If so, why? The reason I ask is because the quiz is designed to move quickly, and I'd hate to waste a database call on retrieving a record that never changes in the first place. However, perhaps there are other negatives to a large session that I'm not aware of.
*For the record, I have tried caching it with the built-in memcache methods in Rails 2.3, but apparently that has a maximum size per item of 1MB.