




I have been hitting a brick wall with this problem for some time and no amount of searching and reading has turned up an answer. I have posted on the Spring forums, but to no avail. Maybe someone here can help?

I have a bean containing a HashMap which I have bound to form using the Spring:form taglib and Spring:bind. Binding to the view works perfectly, but upon submitting the form and handling with an annotation based controller the binding does not appear to work correctly. I get no exceptions, but the HashMap is not populated. Here is my setup:

The JSP:

<form:form method="post" action="updateUserPermissions" modelAttribute="wsPermissions" >
  <tr class="head">
  <c:forEach var="ws" varStatus="wsItem" items="${selectedUserWSs}">
   <c:set var="wsURI" value="'${ws.uri}'"/>
    <td>${} @ ${}</td>
     <spring:bind path="[${ws.uri}].read">
      <input type="checkbox" <c:if test="${status.value}">checked</c:if> disabled="disabled"/>
     <spring:bind path="[${ws.uri}].write">
      <input type="checkbox" <c:if test="${status.value}">checked</c:if>/>
     <spring:bind path="[${ws.uri}].manage">
      <input type="checkbox" <c:if test="${status.value}">checked</c:if>/>
    <td><a href="removeUserWorkspace?userid=${}&wsid=${ws.uri}">[Remove]</a></td>
 <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="${}" />
 <input type="submit" value="Update user permissions" />

This displays fine, binding works, the checkboxes show the correct initial values. Form submission is then handled by this controller method:

public String updateUserPermissions(@ModelAttribute(value="wsPermissions") WorkspacePermissionMap wsPermissions,
  @RequestParam String userid,
  HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap modelMap){
 // code to update permissions here.....
 //the above prints zero
 return "redirect:editUser?id="+userid;

Debugging the controller method shows that HashMap is empty.

Here is the code for WorkspacePermissionMap:

public class WorkspacePermissionMap {

private Map<String, WorkspacePermission> map = new HashMap<String, WorkspacePermission>();

 * @param map the map to set
public void setMap(Map<String, WorkspacePermission> map) { = map;

 * @return the map
public Map<String, WorkspacePermission> getMap() {
 return map;


and for WorkspacePermission:

public class WorkspacePermission {
private boolean read = false;
private boolean write = false;
private boolean manage = false;

 * @return the write
public boolean isWrite() {
 return write;
 * @param write the write to set
public void setWrite(boolean write) {
 this.write = write;
 if (write){
 } else {
 * @return the moderate
public boolean isManage() {
 return manage;
 * @param moderate the moderate to set
public void setManage(boolean moderate) {
 this.manage = moderate;
 if (moderate){
 * @param read the read to set
public void setRead(boolean read) { = read;
 if (!read){
 * @return the read
public boolean isRead() {
 return read;


Can anybody please point out where I'm going wrong? Am I barking up completely the wrong tree, or have I made a stupid error?

Thank you for your help,


+2  A: 

There's definitely some weirdness on the jsp path expressions needed for this.

I'm using hard coded values:


or for your example:['hardcodeduri'].read

These work fine for me.

My advice is to try it first hardcoded and then see if you can alter this to use the dynamic variable.


How is that your HTML checkbox element has no name or value attribute on it? Spring isn't supposed to do 'all' the magic for you ;)
