




aspnet mvc has the HandleError filter that will return a view if an error occurs, but if an error occurs when calling a JsonResult Action how can I return a JSON object that represents an error?

I don't want to wrap the code in each action method that returns a JsonResult in a try/catch to accomplish it, I'd rather do it by adding a 'HandleJsonError' attribute or using the existing HandleError attribute to the required action methods.


Maybe you could create your own Attribute and have a constructor value that takes an enum value of View or Json. Below is what Im using for a custom Authorization Attribute to demonstrate what I mean. This way when authentication fails on a json request it responds with a json error and the same with if it returns a View.

   public enum ActionResultTypes

    public sealed class AuthorizationRequiredAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
        public ActionResultTypes ActionResultType { get; set; }

        public AuthorizationRequiredAttribute(ActionResultTypes actionResultType)
            this.ActionResultType = ActionResultType;

    //And used like
    public ActionResult About()
I'm going to try and implement a working example. If you find out it doesnt work or find a different solution please let me know!
+2  A: 

Take a look at the MVC implementation of HandleErrorAttribute. It returns a ViewResult. You could write your own version (HandleJsonErrorAttribute) that returns a JsonResult.

I've tried this but when the HandleJsonErrorAttribute OnException method is called the filterContext.ExceptionHandled property is always true when theres a HandleErrorAttribute on the Controller class the action belongs to. Shouldn't the action methods handleerror take priority and be called first?
Luke Smith