I'm trying to find a way to capture the response of ASP templates for testing purposes. After reading this post i was hoping that the following code would provide a solution:
class cMockResponse
public data
public sub write( value)
if isempty(data) then data = ""
data = data & value
end sub
end class
class cView
public response
private sub class_initialize()
set response = new cMockResponse
end sub
public sub render()
' expected that the following would be compiled to response.write "hello world"
%> hello world <%
end sub
end class
set view = new cView
call view.render()
response.write "the mock respone was:" & view.response.data
Given the blog post i hoped that
%> hello world <%
would be simply translated to
response.write "hello world"
Since response references the mock object I hoped that this solution would do the trick, but clearly it doesn't. The output of the above code is unsurprisingly:
hello world the mock response was:
Are there other methods to capture the output of ASP templates programatically without resorting to internal xmlhttp requests?