Good Day,
According to the following page:
underneath the first graphic, "If the user clicks the OK button, PrintDlg returns TRUE and the PRINTDLG structure to return informmation about the user's selection".
In this case, my custom print dialog is nearly working, but I'm trying to extract the information about printer name, orientation, etc... My understanding is that in order to retrieve the printer name, I need to examine the hDevMode value from the PRINTDLG structure to see the printer name. Is there a function that will allow me to extract that info?
My code is like (where pdlg is my defined instance of the PRINTDLG structure):
bool f = false;
f = PrintDlg(ref pdlg);
DEVMODE dm = pdlg.hDevMode;
int k = 0;
} catch (Exception ex)
// hopefully it doesn't fail
If someone has any pearlsof wisdom out there, I would sure appreciate any tips..