Some modified builds used to set the system property ro.modversion
for this purpose. Things seem to have moved on; my build from TheDude a few months ago has this:
cmb@apollo:~$ adb -d shell getprop |grep build
[]: [htc_dream-eng 1.5 CUPCAKE eng.TheDudeAbides.20090427.235325 test-keys]
[]: [eng.TheDude.2009027.235325]
[]: [3]
[]: [1.5]
[]: [Mon Apr 20 01:42:32 CDT 2009]
[]: [1240209752]
[]: [eng]
[]: [TheDude]
[]: [ender]
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [dream]
[]: [kila-user 1.1 PLAT-RC33 126986 ota-rel-keys,release-keys]
[]: [tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.1/PLAT-RC33/126986:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys]
[]: [17615# end build properties]
The emulator from the 1.5 SDK on the other hand, running the 1.5 image, also has root, is probably similar to the Android Dev Phone 1 (which you presumably want to allow) and has this:
cmb@apollo:~$ adb -e shell getprop |grep build
[]: [sdk-eng 1.5 CUPCAKE 148875 test-keys]
[]: [148875]
[]: [3]
[]: [1.5]
[]: [Thu May 14 18:09:10 PDT 2009]
[]: [1242349750]
[]: [eng]
[]: [android-build]
[]: []
[]: [test-keys]
[]: [generic]
[]: [sdk-eng 1.5 CUPCAKE 148875 test-keys]
[]: [generic/sdk/generic/:1.5/CUPCAKE/148875:eng/test-keys]
As for the retail builds, I don't have one to hand, but various searches under
are informative. Here is a G1 in the Netherlands, you can see that
does not have test-keys
, and I think that's probably the most reliable property to use.