
Maybe not the best suggestion but you can make your own atribute maybe something like this

<a class='iframe' href='http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%235+Health+Department+Drive,+Troy,+MO+63379&amp;amp;ll=38.979228,-90.97847&amp;amp;z=13&amp;amp;iwloc=near&amp;amp;num=1&amp;amp;output=embed' title='Google Map to Lincoln County Health Department' dest="/path/to/file.ext">Map to LCHD</a>

Keep the element => destination_link map as an object, and fetch values from it for redirection.

var linkmap = {
   lincoln:   '/location/3/',
   someplace: '/location/99'

Now you can use the values from linkmap in your click event (with [] or . operator)

+2  A: 

I'm not familiar with this plugin, but this method comes to mind.

You can bury content elements within the anchor and modify you plugin to use the elements that your introduce. For example:

<a class='iframe' 
   title='Google Map to Lincoln County Health Department'>Map to LCHD
   <span class="title-href" style="display: none">http://zebrakick.com&lt;/span&gt;

Hope that helps.

Justin Johnson