I'm completely stuck and need your help... I've created a webservice stub with jaxb 2.x for a service that sends a binary file (base64 encoded jpg images) within a soap message. Everything worked fine and I was able to receive and display the images, until I tried to export the eclipse RCP app to a product, which caused imediatly LinkageErrors (as usual, javax.xml.namespace.QName and some more).
I was able to solve that problem to 'rebundle' axis2 and now everything works fine again - except the parsing of the binary file part within the stub, which now causes an exception (unexpected element).
A closer look revealed, that the reader (OMStAXWrapper), that is used in the axis2-jaxb-generated Stub, now does not read the whole base64 text but only the first 10000 bytes. Then it doesn't find the correct ending of the element and throws an exception.
As mentioned before - this didn't happen in the beginning, so I hope it's just a parameter or an option. Big thanks in advance for every help or hint!
Edit It wasn't JAXB, I used JAXWS and wsimport to create the stub for the wsdl file...