I ought to post this on GitHub or something. This goes in a category of NSString, uses NSScanner
for the implementation, and handles both hex and decimal numeric character entities as well as the usual symbolic ones.
Also, it handles malformed strings (when you have an & followed by an invalid sequence of characters) relatively gracefully, which turned out to be crucial in my released app that uses this code.
- (NSString *)stringByDecodingXMLEntities {
NSUInteger myLength = [self length];
NSUInteger ampIndex = [self rangeOfString:@"&" options:NSLiteralSearch].location;
// Short-circuit if there are no ampersands.
if (ampIndex == NSNotFound) {
return self;
// Make result string with some extra capacity.
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(myLength * 1.25)];
// First iteration doesn't need to scan to & since we did that already, but for code simplicity's sake we'll do it again with the scanner.
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:self];
do {
// Scan up to the next entity or the end of the string.
NSString *nonEntityString;
if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"&" intoString:&nonEntityString]) {
[result appendString:nonEntityString];
if ([scanner isAtEnd]) {
goto finish;
// Scan either a HTML or numeric character entity reference.
if ([scanner scanString:@"&" intoString:NULL])
[result appendString:@"&"];
else if ([scanner scanString:@"'" intoString:NULL])
[result appendString:@"'"];
else if ([scanner scanString:@""" intoString:NULL])
[result appendString:@"\""];
else if ([scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL])
[result appendString:@"<"];
else if ([scanner scanString:@">" intoString:NULL])
[result appendString:@">"];
else if ([scanner scanString:@"&#" intoString:NULL]) {
BOOL gotNumber;
unsigned charCode;
NSString *xForHex = @"";
// Is it hex or decimal?
if ([scanner scanString:@"x" intoString:&xForHex]) {
gotNumber = [scanner scanHexInt:&charCode];
else {
gotNumber = [scanner scanInt:(int*)&charCode];
if (gotNumber) {
[result appendFormat:@"%C", charCode];
else {
NSString *unknownEntity = @"";
[scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
[result appendFormat:@"&#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity];
NSLog(@"Expected numeric character entity but got &#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity);
[scanner scanString:@";" intoString:NULL];
else {
NSString *unknownEntity = @"";
[scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
NSString *semicolon = @"";
[scanner scanString:@";" intoString:&semicolon];
[result appendFormat:@"%@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon];
NSLog(@"Unsupported XML character entity %@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon);
while (![scanner isAtEnd]);
return result;