Using only standard JEE API (JAAS, Servlet API, JSF) How can I switch back from a CONFIDENTIAL channel to a Unsecured one?
In my example I already managed to switch from an Unsecured channel to a Secured one for the resources in "*/secured/**", but I'm in need to switch back to an unsecured channel after a successful Authentication as the only resource I want to send through HTTPS are login attempts, everything else is not sensitive.
I wish to reduce the amount of code needed for this and also to plague the app with URLs like
- (unsecure protocol | secure protocol)://myserver(:unsecured | :secured ports)/Mycontext...
Any ideas or links?
So far this is working in Weblogic 10 but should work with JBoss or GlassFish without jumping many hoops.
I have the following Security constraints in web.xml
<display-name>Registro Defectos</display-name>
<web-resource-name>secure resources</web-resource-name>