



I have a page that allows the user to download a dynamically-generated file. It takes a long time to generate, so I'd like to show a "waiting" indicator. The problem is, I can't figure out how to detect when the browser has received the file, so I can hide the indicator.

I'm making the request in a hidden form, which POSTs to the server, and targets a hidden iframe for its results. This is so I don't replace the entire browser window with the result. I listen for a "load" event on the iframe, in the hope that it will fire when the download is complete.

I return a "Content-Disposition: attachment" header with the file, which causes the browser to show the "Save" dialog. But the browser doesn't fire a "load" event in the iframe.

One approach I tried is using a multi-part response. So it would send an empty HTML file, as well as the attached downloadable file. For example:

Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="abcde"

Content-type: text/html

Content-type: application/vnd.fdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo.fdf


This works in Firefox; it receives the empty HTML file, fires the "load" event, then shows the "Save" dialog for the downloadable file. But it fails on IE and Safari; IE fires the "load" event but doesn't download the file, and Safari downloads the file (with the wrong name and content-type), and doesn't fire the "load" event.

A different approach might be to make a call to start the file creation, then poll the server until it's ready, then download the already-created file. But I'd rather avoid creating temporary files on the server.

Does anyone have a better idea?


If you're download a file, which is saved, as opposed to being in the document, there's no way to determine when the download is complete, since it is not in the scope of the current document, but a separate process in the browser.

I should clarify -- I"m not too concerned with when the download *completes*. If I can just identify when the download starts, that would be enough.

Start the waiting dialog before the user initiates the load. So if you have a link to download the file,


Use a iframe Open a new window to do the actual download, and pop up your waiting dialog in the main window. call parent.focus() as well.

Dynamically add an

 onload ="closeloadingdialog()"

to the iframe new window. This will close your dialog when the actual download starts.

Byron Whitlock
That's the problem, though; the "load" event never fires in the iframe. When the file is downloaded into the iframe, it's not an HTML file, so the browser doesn't fire the "load" event.
I know document.onload() won't fire, but are you sure window.onload() doesn't fire?
Byron Whitlock
I tried adding a load handler to the iframe itself, but that doesn't get fired. It might if I opened a new window (although I don't think so), but that would kind of make a progress bar unnecessary, since I wouldn't be doing anything in the main window anymore.
+2  A: 

When the user triggers the generation of the file, you could simply assign a unique ID to that "download", and send the user to a page which refreshes (or checks with AJAX) every few seconds. Once the file is finished, save it under that same unique ID and...

  • If the file is ready, do the download.
  • If the file is not ready, show the progress.

Then you can skip the whole iframe/waiting/browserwindow mess, yet have a really elegant solution.

That sounds like the temporary-file approach I mentioned above. I might do something like this if it turns out my idea is impossible, but I was hoping to avoid it.

If you don't want to generate and store the file on the server, are you willing to store the status, e.g. file-in-progress, file-complete? Your "waiting" page could poll the server to know when the file generation is complete. You wouldn't know for sure that the browser started the download but you'd have some confidence.



I just had this exact same problem. My solution was to use temporary files since I was generating a bunch of temporary files already. The form is submitted with:

var microBox = {
    show : function(content) {
        $(document.body).append('<div id="microBox_overlay"></div><div id="microBox_window"><div id="microBox_frame"><div id="microBox">' +
        content + '</div></div></div>');
        return $('#microBox_overlay');

    close : function() {

$.fn.bgForm = function(content, callback) {
    // Create an iframe as target of form submit
    var id = 'bgForm' + (new Date().getTime());
    var $iframe = $('<iframe id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" style="display: none;" src="about:blank"></iframe>')
    var $form = this;
    // Submittal to an iframe target prevents page refresh
    $form.attr('target', id);
    // The first load event is called when about:blank is loaded
    $'load', function() {
        // Attach listener to load events that occur after successful form submittal
        $iframe.load(function() {
            if (typeof(callback) == 'function') {
                var iframe = $iframe[0];
                var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
                var data = doc.body.innerHTML;

    this.submit(function() {;

    return this;

$('#myForm').bgForm('Please wait...');

At the end of the script that generates the file I have:

header('Refresh: 0;url=fetch.php?token=' . $token);
echo '<html></html>';

This will cause the load event on the iframe to be fired. Then the wait message is closed and the file download will then start. Tested on IE7 and Firefox.


The question is to have a ‘waiting’ indicator while a file is generated and then return to normal once the file is downloading. The way I like todo this is using a hidden iFrame and hook the frame’s onload event to let my page know when download starts. BUT onload does not fire in IE for file downloads (like with the attachment header token). Polling the server works, but I dislike the extra complexity. So here is what I do:

  • Target the hidden iFrame as usual.
  • Generate the content. Cache it with an absolute timeout in 2 minutes.
  • Send a javascript redirect back to the calling client, essentially calling the generator page a second time. NOTE: this will cause the onload event to fire in IE because it's acting like a regular page.
  • Remove the content from the cache and send it to the client.

Disclaimer, don’t do this on a busy site, because of the caching could add up. But really, if your sites that busy the long running process will starve you of threads anyways.

Here is what the codebehind looks like, which is all you really need.

public partial class Download : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlControl Body;

    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
        byte[ ] data;
        string reportKey = Session.SessionID + "_Report";

        // Check is this page request to generate the content
        //    or return the content (data query string defined)
        if ( Request.QueryString[ "data" ] != null )
            // Get the data and remove the cache
            data = Cache[ reportKey ] as byte[ ];
            Cache.Remove( reportKey );

            if ( data == null )                    
                // send the user some information
                Response.Write( "Javascript to tell user there was a problem." );                    
                Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
                Response.AppendHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache" );
                Response.Buffer = true;

                Response.AppendHeader( "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Report.pdf" );
                Response.AppendHeader( "content-size", data.Length.ToString( ) );
                Response.BinaryWrite( data );
            // Generate the data here. I am loading a file just for an example
            using ( System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream( @"C:\1.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Open ) )
                using ( System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader( stream ) )
                    data = new byte[ reader.BaseStream.Length ];
                    reader.Read( data, 0, data.Length );

            // Store the content for retrieval              
            Cache.Insert( reportKey, data, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 5 ), TimeSpan.Zero );

            // This is the key bit that tells the frame to reload this page 
            //   and start downloading the content. NOTE: Url has a query string 
            //   value, so that the content isn't generated again.
            Body.Attributes.Add("onload", "window.location = 'binary.aspx?data=t'");
+2  A: 

old thread, i know...

but those, that are lead here by google might be interested in my solution. it is very simple, yet reliable. and it makes it possible to display real progress messages (and can be easily plugged in to existing processes):

the script that processes (my problem was: retrieving files via http and deliver them as zip) writes the status to the session.

the status is polled and displayed every second. thats all (ok, its not. you have to take care of a lot of details [eg concurrent downloads], but its a good place to start ;-)).

the downloadpage:

    <a href="download.php?id=1" class="download">DOWNLOAD 1</a>
    <a href="download.php?id=2" class="download">DOWNLOAD 2</a>
    <div id="wait">
    Please wait...
    <div id="statusmessage"></div>
//this is jquery
               $('#statusmessage').html('prepare loading...');
               setTimeout('getstatus()', 1000);
    function getstatus(){
          url: "/getstatus.php",
          type: "POST",
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function(data) {
              setTimeout('getstatus()', 1000);


echo json_encode($_SESSION['downloadstatus']);


//and spit the generated file to the browser