Has anyone written a macro that will remove and sort your usings in an entire project? I would like to accomplish this without any third part add-in like ReSharper.
If you will consider using a Microsoft add-in, you'll find that the Power Commands utility will do this for a project or solution.
Updated: I knew I had a bit of code that did something like this, I found it and and here it is:
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module FormatDocuments
Public Sub FormatSolution()
Dim sol As Solution = DTE.Solution
For i As Integer = 1 To sol.Projects.Count
End Sub
Private Sub FormatProject(ByVal proj As Project)
For i As Integer = 1 To proj.ProjectItems.Count
End Sub
Private Sub FormatProjectItem(ByVal projectItem As ProjectItem)
If projectItem.Kind = Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFile Then
If projectItem.Name.EndsWith(".cs") Then
Dim window As Window = projectItem.Open(Constants.vsViewKindCode)
End If
End If
If projectItem.ProjectItems.Count > 0 Then
For Each subProjectItem As ProjectItem In projectItem.ProjectItems
End If
End Sub
End Module
Stuart Dunkeld
2009-07-10 00:46:49
The problem I have with ReSharper or the other one (I forget the name right now) is (in my experience) the IDE slows down considerably. Have you noticed powercommands doing that?
2009-07-10 01:14:14
Personally I use ReSharper and take the performance hit! I wouldn't expect PowerCommands to slowdown the IDE as it doesn't do the same kind of work in the background that R# does.
Stuart Dunkeld
2009-07-10 11:28:22