




Hello, this is a follow-up to my recent question. Skaffmans answer helped and I think I identified the problem. But again I need help to solve it...

Here's what I did so far:

  1. Autogenerated a Service Stub using java2wsdl and axiom data binding (ADB)
  2. The service's response message has an image attachment inlined in the xml body (base64 encoded data within tags). I was able to use the service stub to request an image and display it (aka 'It worked')
  3. After fixing some other problems, all of a sudden the stub throws exceptions while parsing the inlined image data
  4. Debugging revealed, that the XMLStreamReader has now the property 'javax.xml.stream.isCoalescing' set to false, which, I think, causes trouble here

I can't change the property of the XMLStreamReader and learned, that I have set the property to the XMLInputFactory.

How and where can I do it? With just using the axis2 libraries and the autogenerated stub, I see no factory. Can I use StAXUtils to just get one Factory from the pool, change the property and hope for the best?