I'm having a sort out of my (Delphi) applications and I been visiting the floating form size and location persistence which seems to be increasingly important with larger screen real-estate and multi-monitors. Clearly it is often desireable to have a user's form reopen in the same place as they closed it, but maybe not always, for example a modal dialog might justify opening bang in front of the users vision, i.e on the primary monitor center screen. There seems to be little out there on the 'net about this and commercial applications seem inconsistent especially regarding multiple monitors. So, a few (probably contravertial!) rules to get us started...
- Non-modal forms should always reopen at the size and location of closure.
- Modal forms (i.e with OK/cancel, Yes/No buttons) should reopen at the previous size (if sizeable), but inthe center of the monitor on which the application resides.
- An information message box should open in the center of the monitor on which the application resides.
- A warning or error dialog should open in the center of the primary monitor.
Thanks in advance, Brian