I need to have a JEE project generate a WAR file automatically - preferrably exploded - as opposed to choosing Export -> War file.
I have played with the various server defintions but have not been able to get either the JEE preview or the HTTP server to work, and before installing each of the external container specific servers I'd like to hear if anybody has made this work.
So, question is: Which steps to take to have a WAR deployment automatically created and maintained by Eclipse?
EDIT: This is Eclipse 3.5 JEE, and it is a Dynamic Web project in Eclipse. I want the WAR file/tree to be easily copyable to a network drive to be accessible for the target host. It runs an embedded Jetty, but I am interested in the generic WAR.
MyEclipse can do this, but we are standardizing on plain Eclipse.
EDIT: This particular web application will run inside an embedded Jetty. Since this question was asked we have found empirically that we need to have the complete tree containing the application with embedded Jetty, war file (exploded) and all built by the Hudson server in order to avoid human steps in the build-deploy-process. The answer for us therefore is scripting with ant (using ant4eclipse).