I have this code:
$.each(data.events, function(i,event){
var title = event.title.substr(0,20);
if ( i == 4 ) return false;
I am doing this in conjuction with a php loop to render a div 5 times, I want to place my content into the ID's from the JSON using var and the .text(), but it is not working, How do I get a var, in this case title into the jquery text() so it can place it in the corresponding div?
This is the corresponding php(partial) that this connects to:
<?php for($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++)
{ ?>
<div id="event-item-<?= $i?>" class="event">
<div class="column-left">
<div class="title"><h3><a href="" id="title-<?= $i?>"></a></h3></div>
This is the rendered version:
<div id="event-item-0" class="event">
<div class="column-left">
<div class="title"><h3><a href="" id="title-0"></a></h3></div>
<div class="inner-left">
<img src="http://philly.cities2night.com/event/85808/image_original" class="image" width="133" height="100">
<p class="author">Posted by: <br> <a href="#">Brendan M. (22 Events)</a></p>
<div class="inner-middle">
<p class="description" id="description-0"></p>
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