



I am new to unit testing and mocking. I am trying to unit test an abstract domain class in Grails. How should I mock an implementation so I can unit test the constraints of the domain class? Is there a way to use the mock libraries that come with groovy or grails? Should I just implement a class that simply extends the abstract class?

+5  A: 

One cool thing about groovy (among many) is that you can use a map of method names with closures as values to mock out a class. This includes abstract classes.

abstract class Foo {
    def foo() {
       return bar() + 1

    abstract int bar()

def fooInst = [bar: {-> return 1 }] as Foo
assert 2 ==
Ted Naleid
Groovy ROCKS!!! I can't believe it is that easy. Thank you very much!
Matthew Sowders
What if the abstract class does not have the default constructor?

Yes, what if there is no default constructor? How easy is this?
