




With new 2007 versions, Microsoft started to "threat" VBA with VSTA. Since VBA is pretty commonly used, what do you believe its future is concerning scripting developing for the next 3-5 years.

Or will it be killed suddenly like VB6?

Autodesk also dropped it (kind of) upon hearing news from MS.


The language has changed & the way things were done (i.e. drag/drop form, create a macro, modify a few line & you are done) will also change.

It won't remain a tool, which a non-developer will find easy to use.

Object model should remain same for basic stuff (Workbook, Worksheet, Range) etc.
New set of things will get added & that will change the object model & hence new learning (e.g. Ribbon Interface)

Not to forget, .net brings in its own concepts/complexity.

Yes, I agree. Why is it that always when you find a concept that non-developers find easy to use, then you deside to change it. VB6 and VBA were great productive things because of that reason (some others as well, but this one was major).
+2  A: 

I'd suggest that VB6 wasn't killed suddenly. Official MS support, perhaps, but still the community is alive for both VB6 and VBA here on SO.

As with any technology with a WIDE user/customer/3rd party vendor base, it will take a long time for VBA as a scripting technology to fade away. I would imagine that it will take years for its successor to fully overtake VBA.

Yes, but with the new OS's coming slowly, it's going for the final kill. I don't know anyone who succesfully merged their VB6 stuff to Vista from XP, and has it running reasonably well, without thinking of just switching to .NET and rewriting the whole thing.
Smart people. Running a little late, but smart.
John Saunders
I hope you don't mean that I am an idiot ;)

It will die, IMO, but not suddenly. Excel used to have a macro language called XLM - basically a keyboard playback on steroids. XLM is still supported, and there's easily a dozen people who use it. That's why I think VBA will be around for quite a while. It won't be updated, supported, and maybe not even acknowledged, but it will be available.

Sooner or later MS will integrate .NET with Office apps and fewer people will care about VBA. Right now, I can put some VBA in an Excel spreadsheet, send it to a client, and deployment is done. I can tell the IT department it's an Excel workbook with macros, and they don't feel threatened because they don't know any better. When .NET has deployment options that simple, I'll use it instead. That day will come and VBA will slowly start fading away.

Dick Kusleika
Yes, you're right. But .xlm, now a little outdated, was a, how to put it, local to Excel. VBA, at least in my case, is spread through several applications, and we use it lot for interconnecting those applications (for example, tables and coordinates from excel to autocad). That's another aspect of that change - even if you change it (MS), all the other vendors still have to make the change as well.