Hey there
I'm currently teaching myself to create websites - this particular site is for a that business I have. I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to do so.
I need some help with the horizontal navigation menu I am trying to create. I have three main categories within my website, each with their own small image to represent them. I want to have all three images, side by side underneath my company logo, acting as the navigational menu.
So for example, one section is Alcohol. When the user puts their mouse over the 'alcohol' image, a menu drops down underneath to show the subsections eg spirits, beer etc.
After doing some research, I can't quite decide the best way to do this. Whilst learning Dreamweaver, I have come across Spry Menus, which I thought would do the job. But I have also now learned about pop-up menus in Fireworks CS3 (which I also have available to me).
I'm really looking for some other opinions on the matter and would appreciate any recommendations about the best route to take with this.