I'm moving my blog which was in a physical folder (/blog/) on my IIS 6 web server to a virtual directory called the same name (blog) running BlogEngine.net, the virtual directory is running in the same application pool as the parent website.
I want to redirect each .html post to the new BlogEngine.net URL. e.g.
http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/blog/2009/06/old-blog-title.html to http://www.mywebsite.co.uk/blog/post/new-blog-title.aspx
I already have Helicon ISAPI Rewrite Version running on my website and currently have redirects working fine. But redirects to the blog virtual directory don't seem to work.
Current .htaccess rule:
#rewriterule ^blog/2009/06/old-blog-title.html$ /blog/post/new-blog-title.aspx [R=301,L]
Question 1: Should I add the .htaccess rules to the blog Virual Directory root or the main website root?
Question 2: What .htaccess syntax should I be using to redirect to the virtual directory?
Thanks in advance for your help.