



So, I'm finally taking the plunge to using eclipse from vim ... but I'm having some serious issues getting over the incredibly cluttered interface and menu system. Example: right clicking in the main text area yields a submenu with ~30 items... The whole eclipse environment seems cumbersome and rather ugly.

I've painstakingly changed the fonts and colors, and it bothers me that the settings are peppered throughout the entire settings window. I wish there existed color scheme quick setups like both emacs and vim have had for decades. Through stackoverflow I found:

But, I would love some more examples! Something like torte or slate.

Does anyone have the secret of making eclipse a more usable tool with a more aesthetically pleasing interface?

+1  A: 

If you think the contextual menu of Eclipse is huge, you haven't see that of Eric's xD

The colour schemes aren't that bad, I think you can save your combinations so there shouldn't be a major problem to package your favourites to keep them from one system to another.

And after all, think that most of "normal people" (not geeks grown up with Unices) Vim is just horrible... and Emacs can cause your fingers to dislocate.


You can change a lot through the plugins... btw what language are you coding in? JAVA? Try Netbeans then..

It also bothers me that vim is so "language" centric :) I'm primarily using eclipse for Android development (aka java)
+9  A: 
Have you had any success with this?
Not personally. I've had it recommended to me, and I plan to start using it for my next Java project.
+1  A: 