You could use @jpoh's approach but do it in the TestSetup method which would require you do it per-fixture. If really needed, you could write a base class that all your test fixtures inherit from that implement this method.
Another solution is to use MSBuild to run NUnit and use the task in the MSBuildCommunityTasks library. This allows you to continue on error and also get the error code back from NUnit. You won't get what method caused the problem, but might help some. Here is my MSBuild target:
<Target Name="UnitTest"
<NUnit Assemblies="@(TestAssemblies)"
Condition="'@(TestAssemblies)' != ''"
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" ItemName="NUnitExitCodes"/>
<!-- Copy the test results for the CCNet build before a possible build failure (see next step) -->
<CallTarget Targets="CopyTestResults" Condition="'@(TestAssemblies)' != ''"/>
<Error Text="Test error(s) occured" Code="%(NUnitExitCodes.Identity)" Condition=" '%(NUnitExitCodes.Identity)' != '0' And '@(TestAssemblies)' != ''"/>
This probably won't fit your needs as is, but is something to try out and play with.
That said, I would agree with @rifferte that it sounds like you need to debug the problem locally and not rely on CC.NET to handle the reporting.