



This is a google question, admittedly. But it appears all the docs have been removed and I can't find them anywhere. So I'm hoping someone can either show me some VBScript code to enumerate objects OR has stronger google-fu.

The merlin agent is an abandoned Windows component kind of like Alice that aims to teach programming by letting kids tell stories. It was introduced to me in this stackoverflow answer by Bob Mc (and frankly deserves way more upvotes). In any event, here's an example, assuming you're on windows and it's installed to the C drive (I've found that merlin is on almost all computers):

agentName = "Merlin"
agentPath = "c:\windows\msagent\chars\" & agentName & ".acs"
Set agent = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
agent.Connected = TRUE
agent.Characters.Load agentName, agentPath
Set character = agent.Characters.Character(agentName)

character.MoveTo 200, 400
character.Play "Surprised"

Wscript.Sleep 10000

Now what I'm looking for is other top-level actions Merlin can take. I know of:

  • Show
  • MoveTo
  • Hide
  • Speak
  • GestureAt
  • Play

Play takes an animation name. I'm also looking for all of those. I know of:

  • 'character.Play "Read"
  • 'character.Play "Write"
  • 'character.Play "WriteContinued"
  • 'character.Play "Congratulate"
  • 'character.Play "Greet"
  • 'character.Play "Decline"
  • 'character.Play "Explain"
  • 'character.Play "GestureLeft"
  • 'character.Play "GestureRight"
  • 'character.Play "Pleased"
  • 'character.Play "Surprised"
  • 'character.Play "GetAttention"

Can you help me find the rest somehow?

+2  A: 

I'm not sure why I didn't try the Internet Archive[1] earlier, but it worked. Here's the Animations merlin can do:

Acknowledge    Nods head
Alert       Straightens and raises eyebrows
Announce       Raises trumpet and plays
Blink       Blinks eyes
Confused       Scratches head
Congratulate       Displays trophy
Congratulate_2     Applauds
Decline     Raises hands and shakes head
DoMagic1       Raises magic wand
DoMagic2       Lowers wand, clouds appear
DontRecognize      Holds hand to ear
Explain     Extends arms to side
GestureDown    Gestures down
GestureLeft    Gestures to his left
GestureRight       Gestures to his right
GestureUp      Gestures up
GetAttention       Leans forward and knocks
GetAttentionContinued     Leaning forward, knocks again
GetAttentionReturn    Returns to neutral position
Hearing_1      Ears extend (looping animation)
Hearing_2      Tilts head left (looping animation)
Hearing_3      Turns head left (looping animation)
Hearing_4      Turns head right (looping animation)
Hide        Disappears under cap
Idle1_1     Takes breath
Idle1_2     Glances left and blinks
Idle1_3     Glances right
Idle1_4     Glances up to the right and blinks
Idle2_1     Looks at wand and blinks
Idle2_2     Holds hands and blinks
Idle3_1     Yawns
Idle3_2     Falls asleep (looping animation)
LookDown       Looks down
LookDownBlink      Blinks looking down
LookDownReturn     Returns to neutral position
LookLeft       Looks left
LookLeftBlink      Blinks looking left
LookLeftReturn     Returns to neutral position
LookRight      Looks right
LookRightBlink     Blinks looking right
LookRightReturn    Returns to neutral position
LookUp      Looks up
LookUpBlink    Blinks looking up
LookUpReturn       Returns to neutral position
MoveDown       Flies down
MoveLeft       Flies to his left
MoveRight      Flies to his right
MoveUp      Flies up
Pleased     Smiles and holds his hands together
Process     Stirs cauldron
Processing     Stirs cauldron (looping animation)
Read        Opens book, reads and looks up
ReadContinued      Reads and looks up
ReadReturn     Returns to neutral position
Reading     Reads (looping animation)
RestPose       Neutral position
Sad     Sad expression
Search      Looks into crystal ball
Searching      Looks into crystal ball (looping animation)
Show        Appears out of cap
StartListening     Puts hand to ear
StopListening      Puts hands over ear
Suggest     Displays light bulb
Surprised      Looks surprised
Think       Looks up with hand on chin
Thinking       Looks up with hand on chin (looping animation)
Uncertain      Leans forward and raises eyebrows
Wave        Waves
Write       Opens book, writes and looks up
WriteContinued     Writes and looks up
WriteReturn    Returns to neutral position
Writing     Writes (looping animation)   

Here's how to get them all:

For Each strName in objCharacter.AnimationNames
    Wscript.Echo strName

1: (SO can't parse this link)

Tom Ritter