



Do I have to close the ISession's that are generated by Castle's ISessionManager for NHibernate? How do I handle transactions with those ISession's? I'm still quite new to NHibernate.

Edit: I would like to have lazy loading but I get this message:

Initializing[failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: , no session or session was closed"

Here is my generic Repository which I inherit to implement specific instances.

public class Repository<TKey, TModel>
    : IRepository<TKey, TModel>
    where TKey : IComparable
    where TModel : class
    private readonly ISessionManager _sessionManager;

    protected ISession Session { get { return _sessionManager.OpenSession(); } }

    public Repository(ISessionManager sessionManager)
        _sessionManager = sessionManager;
    #region IRepository<TKey,TModel> Members

    public virtual TModel Select(TKey key)
        using (var session = _sessionManager.OpenSession())
            return session.Get<TModel>(key);

    public virtual IList<TModel> SelectWhere(Func<TModel, bool> query)
        using (var session = Session)
            return session.Linq<TModel>().Where(query).ToList();

    public virtual TModel Single(Func<TModel, bool> query)
        using (var session = Session)
            return session.Linq<TModel>().SingleOrDefault(query);

    public virtual TModel First(Func<TModel, bool> query)
        using (var session = Session)
            return session.Linq<TModel>().FirstOrDefault(query);

    public virtual IList<TModel> All()
        using (var session = Session)
            return session.Linq<TModel>().ToList();

    public virtual void Store(TModel entity)
        using (var session = Session)

    public virtual void Store(IEnumerable<TModel> entities)
        using (var session = Session)
            foreach (TModel entity in entities)

    public virtual void Remove(TModel entity)
        using (var session = Session)


    public virtual void Remove(Func<TModel, bool> query)
        IEnumerable<TModel> entities = SelectWhere(query);

    public virtual void Remove(IEnumerable<TModel> entities)
        using (var session = Session)
            foreach (TModel entity in entities)


public class Repository<TModel>
    : Repository<Guid, TModel>, IRepository<TModel>
    where TModel : class
    public Repository(ISessionManager sessionManager) : base(sessionManager) { }

public class Repository
    : Repository<ulong, object>, IRepository
    public Repository(ISessionManager sessionManager) : base(sessionManager) { }

Here is a sample invoking of that repository:

IUserRepository userRepository = new UserRepository(); // This is actually provided by my IoC

var users = userRepository.All();
foreach (var user in Users)
    foreach (var picture in user.Pictures)
        // I get exceptions when I do stuff like this.
+3  A: 

Yes, always dispose the ISession. See the docs on ISessionManager usage.

For transactions, consider using the Automatic Transaction Facility.

The SessionManager is ATM-aware so it will dispose the ISession smartly when it needs to, taking transactions into account, even when you apparently have disposed the ISession.

Here's a quick & dirty sample app that uses ASP.NET MVC + Castle Automatic Transaction Facility + NHibernate facility

Mauricio Scheffer
How do I do lazy loading?
Daniel A. White
What you really need is some sample code. See and the tests:
Mauricio Scheffer
Can you point me to a file that shows lazy loading functioning?
Daniel A. White
do you have the sessionwebmodule registered?[email protected]/msg01663.html
Mauricio Scheffer
Yep. It should be there.
Daniel A. White
Are you using the ATM? Is your transactional class decorated with [Transactional] and [Transaction]? Please post some code.
Mauricio Scheffer
I am using ATM.
Daniel A. White
The repository code looks good. Could you post a method where you invoke the repository?
Mauricio Scheffer
I updated to include the specific repository and utilization.
Daniel A. White
Mauricio Scheffer
I thank you for your help, but I'm still stuck.
Daniel A. White
Try the castle group: . Link back here so they don't have to start diagnosing from scratch.
Mauricio Scheffer
For future reference, here's the thread:
Mauricio Scheffer
Thanks. I figured out my problem. The Windsor Container for it, wasn't set to static and hence it would recreate it.
Daniel A. White

We use transactions with using statements to handle the disposing.

public void Save<K>(K entity)

            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item", "The item being saved cannot be null.");

            using (ISession session = GetSession())
                using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction())

I will still get the lazy loading error if I am accessing objects after making a modification in the same action. I have fixed the error by not accessing the objects after a save. Here's an explination:

I believe it is due to not saving the hierarchy correctly. I haven't tested it, but maybe saving the parent objects if you wish to access them will fix the issue. Simply putting the information I needed to access after the save into local variables before the save seemed to correct my issue.


dummy - i want to end the bounty.

Daniel A. White

I have the similar issue so how did you solve it?

see the comments on the first message
Mauricio Scheffer
I can't get this to work with my code and this is how I create and register my windsorcontainer and this is my windsorcontrollerfactory