Hello all do you know good example of sites that using java 3d for there content ? i need to fine some kind of 3d solution , and now only java 3d solution is the best as i see it . but i didn't found any good site examples
I saw many (non commercial, mostly artistic) 3D applets made with Processing. It doesn't use Java3D (AFAIK), either self-made 3D or OpenGL (using JOGL IIRC).
There are also a number of 3D games, using one or the other 3D game engine like JMonkeyEngine.
I am not too sure of what you are looking for. If that's a kind of walk-though application, a game solution can be fitting. There are also 3D engines (in JavaScript, AFAIK) developed by Mozilla and, separately, by Google.
Note: like for pure Flash sites, there is a problem making a site all in Java: search engines like Google won't index its content...
WoWHead, a World of Warcraft information database, has a "View in 3D" button for many things. Clicking it brings up a small window that renders it with either a Flash or Java 3D applet. (Example: Chillmaw)