What is the best way to make sure all assets(images etc.) are https://.... on all secure pages so that the ssl cert shows in browser address bar?
What is the best way to make sure all assets(images etc.) are https://.... on all secure pages so that the ssl cert shows in browser address bar?
Create a top most folder for your application and place all the components/assets within this folder. Make sure the topmost folder requires SSL.
Also from best practices point of view, something for discussion:
Do you really need SSL for your images? Unless there are some captcha images or other security requirements, consider not using SSL for images - it saves both n/w and server/client CPU.
I use the following rewrite code in apache to redirect any non secure traffic to https://
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}