



Hi, i created a Ext.TreePanel and i would have in the node an image, in the text of the node i have the url to the image but i can't load it in the page, i see only the text, there is the possibility to view the image?

this is my code

var root1 = new Tree.AsyncTreeNode({
 text: 'Legenda degli starti PAT',
 draggable:true, // disable root node dragging

var tree1 = new Tree.TreePanel({
 renderTo : 'legend',
 loader: new Tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'legend.php'}),
 containerScroll: true,
 root: root1,

and this is the response of the TreePanel request


thank's Luca


Well, it's not clear what your issue is -- do you see image placeholders? If so, you may need to double-check that Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL is set correctly. If you are trying to load custom images, inspect the rendered tree nodes in Firebug -- are your image tags rendered correctly with the proper urls? Also check the Net tab in Firebug and see if you have any broken image references.

+1  A: 

You need to include an "iconCls" attribute for node in your JSON that references a CSS class defining the image you want to show up for that particular node.

Per the API docs on

// specify the property in the config for the class: ... iconCls: 'my-icon'

// css class that specifies background image to be used as the icon image: .my-icon { background-image: url(../images/my-icon.gif) 0 6px no-repeat !important; }

So your JSON is going to look like this:

[{"text":"comuni","id":"co","leaf":false,"cls":"folder","children":[{"text":"http:\/\/localhost\ /cgi-bin\/mapserv?map=\/home\/gis\/mapserver\/ .1&LAYER=comuni&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic","id":"comuni","leaf":true,"cls":"file", "iconCls": "my-icon"}]},{"text":"idrografia" ,"id":"id","leaf":false,"cls":"folder", "iconCls": "my-icon"} ... etc.. etc...}]


Ensure your Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL is properly pointing at the s.gif