I have recently moved to using Spring MVC + WebFlow from 4 years on ruby on rails.
Ruby is great rails is the productivity egde. However, spring MVC is geared more towards the enterprise with layers of design and patterns over patterns.
I don't say it is rubbish it's interesting to learn a different approach towards UI development.
You can not compare the two. Spring MVC is more tailored towards designs that can be reused in Portlet development or development of webflows that can be altered without changing a lot of java code.
There are subframeworks like spring security and not to mention Aspects in all shapes and kinds I find all this a big learning curve. The views can be rendered with JSF or JSP/JSTL.
Honestly, I think java is a language that has not evolved in ages and people have had substantial investments in this stack they have hacked and overwritten ways around code.
Annotations and XML or be it Generics they are all with an aim to make the language cater to ever increasing and evolving world around it.
Contrasting that to a modern dynamic language like ruby there is a lot of productivity difference. Ruby is dead simple programmer friendly and superior in every way.
Rails is a very opinionated piece of software dictated by what DHH and the rest think and want in it.
Yes, its great for web app development in fact you will feel you have acquired the missing thing when you start programming rails.
The trouble is rails has received a lot of negative publicity over the years. I am not sure about it's future at this time and choosing between something proven vs something that is getting cloned in every new web framework is a risk.
ASP.net mvc, grails cakePHP every popular MVC framework out there has cloned rails.
Is spring hard compared to rails?
I think if you apply your mind both are equal in terms of the learning curve.