



I have the an approximation of the following

input id='rb1' name='rb1' type='radio' 
input id='rb2' name='rb1' type='radio'

e.g. both radios share the same name so only one can be selected

I want to be able to use Request.Form to see which one has been selected. However all I get in Request.Form is the name e.g. rb1. Is there any way to detect the actual id of the control that has been pressed e.g. rb1 and rb2?

I dont want to use server controls for this for reasons I'm not going to bore you with.

+2  A: 
<input id='rb1' name='rb1' type='radio' value='rb1' />
<input id='rb2' name='rb1' type='radio' value='rb2' />
Joel Coehoorn
Cheers, I remembered this just after I posted!