



Is a combination of SCJP, SCWCD and Oracle programmer certification useful for a fresher to get off campus placement?

I am fresher B.E. (Computer Science) passed out from Thapar University, Patiala in India. It's one of the top 20 colleges for engineering in India.

I got one offer from GlobalLogic Pvt. Limited on campus and one temporary offer (6 months) from Informatica Bussiness Solutions (major competitor of IBM). But because of the recession now I have lost both. Can you please tell me that if I do all of three certifications above? Will it help me to get a job?

And I have one more query in that I am trying to find some good company by and (unpaid). But no help. All I get is companies which provide paid training rather than a job. What should I do?

+3  A: 

SCJP will teach you how the Java Compiler and Language works.

SCWCD (requires SCJP) and will teach you about Servlets and JSP's

The Oracle programmer certification is different to the other two so you should ask yourself what do you want in your career, I know at the beginning it's difficult but what do you want to do be a programmer or a DBA, or both?

So, which certification will help you to land a job, well, it depends, many companies will try to rely on this certification but not all the time will give you a 100% accurate candidate, it's only a value (subjective value) in your resume. And probably you don't want to work in a company that puts certifications before knowledge and experience.

So if you want a good job I would say:

  1. Do some code.
  2. Do more code.
  3. Refactor your code with some input.
  4. Get your certification to learn not because it's a credential.

At the end this will help you more, and you might actually enjoy it a little bit more.

actually i m asking about oracle cerification for programmer not DBA.
+1  A: 

Certifications seldom help a fresher in getting a job. Certifications would help, maybe later on as you have gained bit more experience. MexicanHacker has pretty much summed up everything I wanted to say. And yes - good writing skills (spell-check please!) instantly gives a huge boost.

+1  A: 

What I think is that as a fresher first you should find your interest and then start preparing for the certifications do give emphasis on your interest.

After that I'm telling what I think is that companies generally recruit a Java fresher easily but it is risky to appoint a fresher as a DBA so decide your interest and then go ahead.