I went through some tutorials on the State monad and I think I got the idea.
For example, as in this nice tutorial:
import Data.Word
type LCGState = Word32
lcg :: LCGState -> (Integer, LCGState)
lcg s0 = (output, s1)
where s1 = 1103515245 * s0 + 12345
output = fromIntegral s1 * 2^16 `div` 2^32
getRandom :: State LCGState Integer
getRandom = get >>= \s0 -> let (x,s1) = lcg s0
in put s1 >> return x
OK, so I can use getRandom:
*Main> runState getRandom 0
*Main> runState getRandom 0
*Main> runState getRandom 1
But I still need to pass the seed to the PRNG every time I call it. I know that the PRNG available in Haskell implementations does not need that:
Prelude> :module Random
Prelude Random> randomRIO (1,6 :: Int)
(...) -- GHC prints some stuff here
Prelude Random> randomRIO (1,6 :: Int)
So I probably misunderstood the State monad, because what I could see in most tutorials doesn't seem to be "persistent" state, but just a convenient way to thread state.
So... How can I have state that is automatically initialized (possible from some function that uses time and other not-very-predictable data), like the Random module does?
Thanks a lot!