God I hate the term "code smell", but I can't think of anything more accurate.
I'm designing a high-level language & compiler to Whitespace in my spare time to learn about compiler construction, language design, and functional programming (compiler is being written in Haskell).
During the code generation phase of the compiler, I have t...
I have a function:
test :: String -> State String String
test x =
get >>= \test ->
let test' = x ++ test in
put test' >>
get >>= \test2 -> put (test2 ++ x) >>
return "test"
I can pretty much understand what goes on throughout this function, and I'm starting to get the hang of monads. What I don't understand is how...
I went through some tutorials on the State monad and I think I got the idea.
For example, as in this nice tutorial:
import Data.Word
type LCGState = Word32
lcg :: LCGState -> (Integer, LCGState)
lcg s0 = (output, s1)
where s1 = 1103515245 * s0 + 12345
output = fromIntegral s1 * 2^16 `div` 2^32
getRandom :: State LCG...
I'm trying to grasp the State Monad and with this purpose I wanted to write a monadic code that would generate a sequence of random numbers using a Linear Congruential Generator (probably not good, but my intention is just to learn the State Monad, not build a good RNG library).
The generator is just this (I want to generate a sequence...
I am attempting to create a stack of monad transformers and am having trouble getting the correct type signatures for my functions. (I'm still pretty new to Haskell)
The stack combines multiple StateT transformers since I have multiple states I need to keep track of (two of which could be tupled, but I'll get to that in a second) and a ...
We're working on a model filesystem that uses a state monad internally. We have a type class with operations like these:
class Monad m => FS m where
isDirectory :: Path -> m Bool
children :: Path -> m [Path]
We're working on a little interactive interpreter that will offer commands like cd, ls, cat, and so on. An oper...
Hi. I finally got a hold on how to use monads (don't know if I understand them...), but my code is never very elegant. I guess is from a lack of grip on how all those functions on Control.Monad can really help. So I'd thought it would be nice to ask for tips on this in a particular piece of code using the state monad.
The goal of the co...